No Fixmer/McCarthy

I knew it. My last chance to go to Being Boiled was spoiled by a severe headache. :( Damn! Fixmer/McCarthy + 4 is playing right now. Mattias and Pau are there, waiting for me. That sucks. I wish I was there, but it's impossible today. I just can't go to a concert if my head is about to explode. Well, that's what it feels like.

We went to West Kensington yesterday. Me, Mattias, Pau and Jenny. Sweden was playing Russia. I recently found out about the hockeytournament in Moscow. I had no idea... Sweden lost fair and square 4-2. Russa was much better. Today I haven't really done anything. No! That's not true. I've packed my Roland SH-2. It's ready to be shipped to Sweden! :) I think someone down in skåne will recieve it shortly! ;) Tomorrow it's back to work. Only two days this week. And I've only got like 10 days left at work. It feels very strange. This friday there is this big SBS party in central London. Should be fun. And before that I'm off to Old Street with Anahita. That'll be fun! :) She's been told about some resturant that is supposed to be really good! :) Now I'm off to bed! Right now....


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