
I've got nothing to write about. It's all been work, and nothing else. The bathroom is slowly getting back to what it once was. Still need a shower curtain though. I think they might buy loads of them and take care of it soon. I hope. I'm tired of the bathroom getting all splashy and stuff.

Anna was here last week. It was nice seeing her again. I can't believe I didn't get the chance to hang out with her during my three weeks in Kalmar this summer. Well, that's what you get when you go on holiday in september. Next year I'm going for 2 weeks in june and 2 weeks in july. Why? The World Cup of course!

I need to get away from here for a few days. I'm gonna check out some flights bound for London. I really need to go there soon. I can't believe I haven't been there since May 2008. I have a few days off coming my way anyhow.

Tonight I'm gonna check out Kurt Olvars Rebeller at Snövit by Skanstull. I haven seen them perform live since way back in 1998. I can't believe it's been 10 years. I remember seeing them while playing a gig with Metallhundarna at Alcatraz.

And now I need to attend to my laundry. The laundry at my house is shot to pieces. The machines doesn't work, there is no way of drying your clothes and the place is a mess. I need to do it by hand. That's even more boring than doing it the "normal" way. But you do need clean clothes, right?


Me and Fredrik went to Annexet in Stockholm last night for the Massive Attack concert. It was fucking awesome. I've been to a lot of concerts. My favourites include Depeche Mode at Scandinavium 1988, IAMX at Debaser Medis 2008, Therapy? at Hultsfred 1992 (I think it was 1992, could have been 1993), Nine Inch Nails at Hovet 2007 and Ramones at Hultsfred 1992.

I'm adding last nights Massive Attack concerts to one of the best I've ever had the pleasure to witness. It was great!

A shitty camera takes shitty photos. Doesn't matter. It was great!

Blue in the face...

I'm worried. I don't know what to do. I wish I could do something, but it's really out of my hands. Sometimes I feel like a really bad friend. I'm trying my best. I am.

I've finally moved back into my flat. It's been almost two months. Can't believe it's been that long. Thanks to two good friends of mine, I've had another place to stay for a few weeks. I could never thank them enough for taking me in. I'll try to figure something out to show them how much I appreciate them for doing that.

The place is still a mess. It's dust everywhere. There's no way of doing laundry. I still need a place to put my stuff in the attic. However, I've got running water in the bathroom now, and I don't have to take a shower in the basement. That's a good thing. I'm happy to be back, but there is this whole situation with my friend, that takes all my energy. I am so worried, I can't function properly. I just wish I could do something. I don't know what. But I HAVE TO do something. This isn't working.

Some might say, you shouldn't care that much. It's got nothing to to with you. I say, wrong. If you've had someone in your entire life, and that person is in distress, do you turn your back? No you don't. You do whatever is possible. That's what I'm trying to do. I know he'd do the same for me.

I'm swamped at work. I'm swamped at home. I'm swamped everywhere. I need to sort this out.

All I do is worry.


I'm sorry mate. I didn't know what else to do... The only thing you should know is; I did what I did because I care. That's just it. I can't let it slide and do nothing. I just can't. I never could. You might even hate me for doing this, but I had to. You can't expect me to do nothing, you know me better than that. You of all people should know that.

I am sorry.

Push me, shove me...

I went by my flat yesterday. It's getting there. The bathtub, sink and toilet are all in place. No water yet. They still have to take care of the rest of the drainpipes before it will be working properly. And then it's the electricity. Big cables everywhere. I hope they will hide the a bit more than this, because right now, it looks horrible.

So, this is what it looks like now:

There's no mirror yet, as you can see. It's getting there. There are some small stuff to be painted in the hallway. The kitchen is all done, I think. I hope I'll be moving back there next weekend. Living in Liljeholmen is okay, it's just that I miss being at home. At MY home. I haven't been living there for almost two months now. I left mid august. Well, they said 6-8 weeks. And I think we're at the end of week 6 now.

Inspite all misery, autumn and the lack of warm clothes... I think I'm doing rather well. It was nice going back to work. Even though nothing was working on friday, because our workflow is from another dimension. It's not meant to work like that. I didn't mind. It's rather good to keep myself occupied with other stuff. And I think it's working.¨

Last night, me and Fredrik went to see Camera Obscura at Strand by Hornstull. I'll be honest. It wasn't that good. It wasn't bad, just not my cup of team. Not my type of pants. The guy who was warming up the crowd, he was cool. Magic Harm, or something like that. I didn't catch his name. He did the same thing that swedish chick was doing. Playing stuff, recording it, and playing something else over that. And so it builds into quite complex rythms and melodies. The songs weren't that great, but it was very cool live.

After that, I went home, found Mehdi on the couch paying his new favourie game on his iPhone. I watched the end of High Fidelity, beat Mehdi three times in NHL10, and went to bed.


My shopping spree ended in a big disappointment. One pair of socks. Horrible. I know I can do better than that. Sara had much better luck. She found clothes AND some stuff for the kitchen refurbishment going on at her house.

We also went to the cinema. It seems like most of my friends already went to see District 9.

I'm not gonna say anything if you haven't seen it. Except it's pretty cool. Peter Jackson offered Neill Blomkamp $30 mil to do whatever movie he wanted after the planned Halo movie fell through. This is what he decided to do.

Feeling this...

So, I'm finally back in Stockholm. It feels great. I went by my flat today. Here are some before and after shots.

This is what it looked like when I was at my flat last time.

Not very exciting, right?

This is what it looks like today.

I like it. Ok, let's be honest. It's not like it was before they tore it all to pieces. However, this is nice.

And here are those damn penguins again.

I guess they're finished throwing up.

I'm going back to work on monday. I can't wait. I miss the guys at work. I've actually been there a few times already. Now I'm gonna spend some cash!

Wake up exhausted...


Thank you...

Sort of. I guess. At least I think so.

In a hole...

Lost track... Day, whatever. 11?

The latest JAMC collection is called "The Power of negative thinking". I find it rather suiting.

If you do try your best, and that's not enough, it's when you give it up, right? Or at least break a bad habit. That's what I'm gonna do. It's never enough, is it? It's like poker. You go all in carrying a full house. There is always that chance someone might call you, pulling out a straight flush. I'm just a shitty player. That must be it.

God's speed...

One man's meat...


Day 8.

So tired. Need to go to sleep. Today's good deed: I vacuumed the entire store today. Watched Zlatan do the impossible. Went by Hasses place to say hi. Went home. Straight to bed. Headache. Tired.

Now I'm going back to not sleeping. This is what you get for being misunderstood and honest. I can't deal with it anyway. I don't have the energy. I don't know. What you do need to know, is making the wrong assumptions, is not a good thing. I've known this all along. And no, I'm not at all happy about it. I guess I've become a bit of a cynic over the years. I was waiting for this actually. I'm not surprised at all. It's the reason that baffled me. If anyone in general is reading this. It doesn't even matter who you are. Just promise me, never take things for granted. Making the wrong assumption can be a dangerous game to play. Especially if you don't know the whole story.

That's it. Over and out of bounds.


Can't sleep...

Don't wanna go...

Day 7.

It's been a week now. Feels like an eternity. Not very good at being on vacation. I suck at it to be blunt. I've never been good at taking time off. I always long for it, but when I get there, it turns to shit.

Just found out TBR posted their entire new album on Myspace.

 Check it out here: ...

It sounds just like as you'd think it would. Makes me kinda happy, and that's a good thing right now.

Why is it, I always find myself into fucked up situations? I don't want to sneak around. I hate that. I've never wanted that, EVER. Perhaps I'm not better than this? I don't know anymore. I'm just very tired. And I miss being at home. Due to circumstances things didn't turn out the way I was hoping. I can't do anything about that. Right now I need to go somewhere. I don't know where. Just somewhere else. I can't stay here for 3 weeks. That'll exhaust me. Don't get me wrong, I love so many people living here, just seeing them, hanging out with them and stuff. Right now, I can't relax here, and I'll be even more tired than before going on holiday. That's not the way it's supposed to be. Need to go.

So why so sad? You tell me... Your guess is as good as mine. You can't be disappointed at something that didn't happen due to circumstances you can't control. Things just pan out that way sometimes. It's like having everything you ever wanted, then letting it slip right through your fingers. I wish I could do something about it. But I can't. It's out of my hands. It's not something you can do anything about anyway. I just wish... I wish for a lot of things. Right now, I wish I could go to sleep. I can't.

No, time to change mood. I'm on my fucking holiday. I'm off work and still getting paid! I shouldn't complain. Really I shouldn't. And I won't.

I'm just tired...


Day 6.

I've been to Kalmar, Nybro, Vetlanda, Nässjö, Vetlanda, Nybro, Kalmar today. These are som pics from our roadtrip.

The first and only intermission. Just after leaving Nybro. Don't even remeber what the place is called. It was a rather rainy day, I was kept waiting for cats & dogs.

My compadres.

We went to a warehouse full of this! There was candy, sodas and snacks, all over the place!

Customers, energydrinks and more candy. I should have brought a bag. You could actually grab what you wanted and enjoy it at home. I'm glad I didn't.

Just got back from hanging out with The New Modern Angels. I got to hear some new stuff, and it's very promising. Can't wait for them to finish the new songs. They're great!

Now it's back to WW2.

Swallow it...

Day 5?

Five days without anything to do with what I usually do to make a living. Strange. It feels like it's been much longer than that. It's a strange feeling.

I've been to "work", stacking dvd's, unpacking stuff and, well, what's become normal to me these past few days. I also met an old co-worker from the past. Way way past that is. It was great seeing her again. I remember meeting her on the tube in Sthlm.

Tomorrow I'm off to Nässjö. I'm gonna check out candy. A lot of candy. Tons of candy. There are worse things you could do on your vacation.

There are things I wish could be different. You can't change stuff you can't change. That's the end of it. Shit I'm tired.

Now I'm gonna watch Band of brothers.

Make room...

Day 4.

No rest for the wicked. I managed to get through one movie last night. The Boat that rocked was actually pretty good. Very good cast. The other movie wasn't worth staying awake for. After watching Ibra score for his new team, I realized it was pretty late, and I was supposed to back at Videobolaget at 8:30 today.

I've been handing out bags, and I've been very nice to new students. Sometimes very crowded.

Our spot.

Curious students...

Muddi, the bag-man... Or the man of the bags?

Our means of transport.

And finally, a pic I snapped yesterday. Sorry, swedish only.

Kalas tjock? The thinner version was named, yes, you got it; Kalas smal. Oh, it's sausage. If you didn't get it...

I've also been to P4 today. Janusch was on-air, and I joined Movie Muddi today. I haven't been on air for 4 years. Time flies. It was nice. I might join them next week as well.

Now I'm gonna hit the sack. I'm exhausted.

Under the flag...

Day 3.

I can't believe some people. Why would they mess up and complicate someones life, just because they can? I was raised with standard swedish values. And justice for all... I don't think women should stay at home, giving birth, slaving in the kitchen. Everyone is entiteld to whatever they want to do. And men who hit women?! WTF! I guess it takes a big strong man to do such a thing. It's really macho, right? Wankers! Abuse in whatever form or shape it might have, I detest it all. I find these people pathetic. I'm getting angry just thinking about it.

I met Janusch today. He came into the videostore while I was doing what I do best. Nothing... Since I don't really have anywhere else to go, I decided to help out packing 600 bags full of goodies and freebies. Now, my back is aching and I've got blisters on my fingers. I did a good deed. I'll help out tomorrow as well. I'm going to visit Janusch at work too. I haven't been to P4 since Camilla did the morning show there 2 or 3 years back. It'll be interesting.

No pictures today. I might have some tomorrow. Now I'm gonna watch two movies. The End of the world, and The Boat that rocked. 


Life on the line...

Yep, I'm in a Fad Gadget phase...

Day 2.

I've actually had a great day. I've been to Trekanten, I've been to Borgholm and I had some wonderful company. We also went past Färjestaden. I've been to Tegelviken and I've also managed to squeeze some poster rolling. (Don't ask...)

Here are some more un-interesting-yet-still-vacation pics.

No, it's not the road to perdition, or the road to nowhere. It's the road to Borgholm. And yes, it was rather wet. Come to think of it. It's almost the road to nowhere...

What's this? Oh yeah... I tried to capture the the ruins of the castle in Borgholm. You could say I failed, I prefer to say, I didn't use the zoom, since I was driving at the time.

The empty streets of Borgholm. I guess the tourist season is over. Come to think of it, it IS the end of august.

 Now, how's that for some un-interesting pics, huh? Pretty damn proud of it! Now I'm gonna pay for the three biographies I've just won off ebay. Then I'm gonna watch a movie. I watched a pretty good one last night. It's called Largo Winch. Keep an eye out for that one.

For whom the bells toll...

My holiday, day 1.

Well, woke up pretty late. Went... um... "downtown" to meet up Fredrik for a coffee. Went over to Videobolaget where I ended up doing stuff I usually do while I'm not working in Sthlm. So this is what's it's like to have vacation? I'm not sure I enjoy it or not. The company at Videobolaget is always great. You always have a good time there. And I could actually help customers too. However, since I'm constantly turned up to 100% brain activity while working, (believe it or not!), it's kinda hard to shut it down. Perhaps I shouldn't shut it down, a mere turning down would do. I'm restless. I need stuff to do all the time. If I don't, I'll go bananas. Normally it takes at least a week for me to "cool down". Not sure how long it's gonna take this time. I made a few calls today. I really wanted to watch the Man U - Arsenal game tonight. (They lost 1-2 btw, due to a penalty kick and an own goal...) It didn't turn out that way. Sometimes I really do think people screen my calls. Just because they think it's some kind of idiot trying to sell them something. Well, I'm not. The "one phone solution" we have at work is not working out for me, when I'm off work. Ah well, if they listen to their messages, I guess they know I've called them. If not, well, what can I do? I'll terrorize them by showing up, without telling them! That's what I'll do! Damnit!

Tonight, I was supposed to be at Sugarbar in Stockholm for the Sapporo 72/System gig. Club Ultrafoxx is celebrating it's one year anniversary, and I missed out. Ah well, next year I guess.

And now some pics from my vacation. If you're hoping for some exotic pictures of animals, plants or far away places, man, you're in for a big disappointment.

This could be the ONLY traffic light on a "big" E road cross europe. Please let me know if there are any others. It's not as bad as putting a traffic light on Autobahn, if you know what I mean. I do have a shitty camera.

While I was "working" today, sky came crashing down. No, not really, but we got some serious rain today. Only for a few minutes. I was actually waiting for some cats and dogs too... ;)

And just look at that bus! (Isn't his holiday pictures better than this?) NO, they're not! Ok?

Now I'm gonna watch a moive. I was hoping to hear from someone. But I didn't so I decided to stay at home instead. You know, I can do whatever I want to. Because I am on vacation. Tomorrow is day two. Without any plans, I'm a bit worried I might become really restless. I wish I'd brought my Ozone and Reason. Now it Largo Winch time.

Today's song:
La Roux: Bulletproof. I never thought I'd fall for yet ANOTHER hype. I here by confess, I do like La Roux, and I bought the Glasvegas album when it came out. Mainly because of Caroline (I think her name is). If you have a band where the drummer is standing up, pounding the drums just like Bobby Gillespie when he was in The Jesus & Mary Chain, it can't be bad, right?


I remember not long ago. I had like 51 days left until my vacation. Days have passed, people has returned from their holidays, and soon, really soon, I'll be off on my own. Finally. I've been waiting for so long. I can hardly believe it's actually time for me to go on holiday.

I don't really have a plan for this vacation. And I like that. I've been kinda stressed out these past few weeks. I know it's gonna take at least a week before I land somewhere near the sea of tranquility.

I went to my flat yesterday. The door was screaming at me while opening. A lot of dirt, grit and stuff is stuck in the hinges. I hope they will clean it up, because, my door was very silent when I moved out! Hopefully my bathroom and my kitchen will be done when I get back from my vacation. Soon I'll be living in a completely refurbished flat! Soon...

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