Make room...
Day 4.
No rest for the wicked. I managed to get through one movie last night. The Boat that rocked was actually pretty good. Very good cast. The other movie wasn't worth staying awake for. After watching Ibra score for his new team, I realized it was pretty late, and I was supposed to back at Videobolaget at 8:30 today.
I've been handing out bags, and I've been very nice to new students. Sometimes very crowded.
Our spot.
Curious students...
Muddi, the bag-man... Or the man of the bags?
Our means of transport.
And finally, a pic I snapped yesterday. Sorry, swedish only.
Kalas tjock? The thinner version was named, yes, you got it; Kalas smal. Oh, it's sausage. If you didn't get it...
I've also been to P4 today. Janusch was on-air, and I joined Movie Muddi today. I haven't been on air for 4 years. Time flies. It was nice. I might join them next week as well.
Now I'm gonna hit the sack. I'm exhausted.