Me, Leo, Linda och Rickard went to Skokloster yesterday. It was the hottest day of the year so far. Very dry, a lot of people and way too few places where you could buy water and cold drinks. I got very very warm. It was a blessing coming home, and having a shower. It was rather nice though.
Blom came by last night, and we watched Clerks. I can't even remember how many times I've seen that one now. Still love every second of it.
Today I went for brunch with Blom and Ida. We went to a place near Skanstull, where you can have this killer bruch. Scrambled eggs, bacon, spicy beans, toast, melon and american pancakes. With maple syrup of course. It's very tasty.
Now I'm gonna do my laundry. Play some vinyl and just kick back.
This is for you mum. I love you.
A kiss for every tear...
We went to Göta Källare last night. Le Mans, Kamera and Johan Kinde did a gig there, and it was surprisingly good. Johan Kinde did some old solo stuff, and some old Lustans Lakejer songs as well. We got a new version of "Skuggan av ett tvivel" which was really good actually. It was rather nice.
Today we're off to Debase Medis for the The Mary Onettes gig. I'm really looking forward to it. First, I'm gonna be a recording engineer. Leo is working on some new Lowe songs, and it's kinda hard for him to do the recording by himself.
Then I'm gonna open the big parcel I got from Electronic-Obsession today. 4, something kilos of new records! I should really say OLD records. That's what it is. Come to think of it, I do believe Emmons album is pretty new.
It's almost like you wish you'd got to stay at home tonight. Almost...
And shit... I forgot... On May 26th, 2007, I boarded a flight bound for Oslo, and then Stockholm. That means I've been living here for two years now. Can't believe I've actually spent more time here than in London. Weird.
I do like it here. I miss the life in London almost everyday, but it wouldn't be the same anymore without all the people I used to hang out with. I've got my friends here... And they're great!
Ego override...
Thank you...
Thank you all for all the nice gifts. Thank you all for text messages and phone calls. Thanks for everything. You are the best friends anyone could ever ask for. :)
And I can't ignore the fact a legend has put his shoes on the shelf. Debut: 1985, in total 901 games for AC Milan. My hat is off for you Mr Maldini... Well done...
Thinking of England...
So, I'm actually off work today. Just what I need really. After sorting vinyls for two days. I was joined by Fredrik. He helped me out, getting the letter "D" in perfect order. He knows the Depeche Mode records by smell! ;)
Wednesday evening was spent at Kolingsborg. It was a party to celebrate Some great rewards 25th anniversary. Not that many people, but it was nice. Thorells Syndrome played the whole album. They were joined on stage by the entire Paris crew and some other guys as well. Alexander Hoffman of SPOCK sang Somebody (surprisingly well), and Johan Kinde finished everything off singing Blasphemous rumours. It got pretty late.
Spent most of thursday sorting out my vinyls. They're now finally in the correct order. Come to think of it. I don't think I've done this since I left my studio at Wernskjöldsgatan, around 2001. My girlfriend at the time, just shoved all my vinyls into a closet. Well, now they're here, and I'm not gonna hide them. I love my vinyls!
Last night, we went to Debaser Medis. IAMX was playing. I've only listend to his latest single, Think of England.
This is all I have to say about last nights concert. FUCKING FENOMENAL!
I need to get all the IAMX albums. Straight away.
Lips are silent...
May 1, 2009
So this is where I've ended up. Two days ago, I moved into my new flat. A flat that I actually own. It's mine. I can stay here for as long as I want. I don't have to move anywhere. It's not the biggest place, but it's close to work, it's close to a lot of friends and it was less than I could afford according to the bank.
Hasse and Peter helped me to move the stuff from Östermalm to here. It didn't take half as long as I thought it would. Getting the stuff here was a breeze. Packing up, well that pretty much sucks. The day before yesterday we put almost all the furniture together. I was looking forward to it at first, but after the first "Billy" I started to get bored. Fredrik, Peter and Ellen was here helping out. I am blessed with some great friends. They've never hesitated one second when I've asked them if they could help me out. It doesn't matter if it's lifting or moving stuff or cleaning or putting IKEA stuff together. They're great. They're the best.
So, here I am... In my own flat. No TV yet, it will arrive on monday or tuesday. I've got Telia to install the phone, the internet connection will follow in a few days. Then everything should be in place. That's when it starts. The process of putting cd's and vinyls in order. And finding a suitable place for my dvd's too. I think I might need one more closet. I thought I had enough space, but it's already very crowded. I also need to get blinds for the window. The sun is waking me up every morning. Oh, I also need a vacuum cleaner, drapes and maybe a new carpet. There are loads more I need to get. It'll be fine.
I had dinner with Fredrik, Martina (my previous neighbour) and Sara last night. We had a really good time. We then went to Debaser Medis. The event was called "An evening with Depeche Mode". It was really good. Karin joined us a bit later. The evening started with a choir singing just can't get enough, followed by Annika of Paris kickin' off Policy of truth. Tingsek, Jonna Lee, Emmon and Henric de la Coeur was also performing songs. They played stuff like Blasphemous rumours, I want you now, Shake the disease, Enjoy the silence, The things you said and Everything counts. There were a few songs more. I just can't remeber them all. We had a great time.
Today I've been at work, I got myself a potato pealer, a bottle opener and some other stuff for the kitchen. Now I'm gonna kick back in the sofa. It's getting dark, and I'm way too tired to start putting the shelves for the "billy" bookcase in full use. I think I might keep them on the floor for now.
Tomorrow, Peter and Ellen are coming here to help me finish the last piece of furniture. Finally. Then I'm all set for the delivery of my kitchen table and the rest of the stuff from Kalmar. I can't wait to sleep in my own bed, for real this time. It's been way too long.
That's right, I also need a X-Box 360. That's what I'm gonna start saving up for next! Don't wanna spend more money now. The bank account needs to be refilled.
May 13
It's been crazy. I've been working hard, I got a bad cold and then I think I might have spent more time at work. I've also been to Expressens preview of Angels & Demons. I quite liked it. The Mobile Homes and Rupesh Cartel albums are doing quite well too. I'm getting settled here in MY flat. Yes, it's my own. And I just love it. Hasse has been so kind by helping me out, throwing stuff and empty boxes. I still need to get my space in the attic. I haven't gotten round to that yet. And I also need to get some regular tv-channels at home. It's not that bad really. I kinda enjoy not getting stuck infront of the telly. I've watched some movies, I've been going through the records. Currently, I think I did the letter I. I've still got a long way to go. Klinge is helping me out this weekend.
There are some more stuff I need to take care of. The shelves for one. The need to be stuck to the wall. Right now, they're a bit wobbley. I also need to figure out what to put behind the sofa. I'm thinking of a big painting or perhaps some nice framed vinyl albums. I haven't decided. There are still so many boxes here. Everytime I open one, I tend to put it back and leaving it on the floor. *bah*
Tomorrow is quiznight at Petsounds bar. We came in at 6th place last time. This time we're aiming for top 5. *yeah right*
I know I'll be working this weekend too. It's gonna be the third one in a row. That makes 21 days straight. At least I got my own home now. This is where I live. That feeling is just awesome.
May 14
I know for a fact "Work is a 4 letter word" is a The Smiths song. NOT a Morrissey song. We finished at 11th place. Just 2 points outside the Top 10. Well, better luck next time.
So, I'm slowly getting there. Here's a few pics from the chaos...
The keys to my new exciting life!
My heroes! The guys who helped me out moving all my stuff!
The furniture arriving from Ikea!
Boxes, plastic, boxes and more plastic.
The first two items are ready for testing.
The assembly continued.
A table...
The kitchen was full of stuff...
And the stuff from my fathers place arrived...
The chaos wasn't even organized.
The kitchen... Is actually still looking like this.
The bed is finally put where it should be.
Slowly getting there.
Yep... Still work in progress.
Vinyl going into place too. Now I just need to sort the out. *sigh* Still, I'm kinda looking forward doing so. Kling was a big helping hand.
More to come.