Thank you for the music...

Okay, it did almost sound too good to be true. And I think it was. Yesterday I read about the restrictions coming up on Spotify next week. I can understand many of the problems the Spotify crew must have gone through. But this could have been the future for the starving record business. Here you could listen to a record you might not even pay attention to for free. Instead of going for an illegal download. Further more, the artist DID get paid, not in full, but at least some form of payment took place, even thought it's not much, it's more than nothing.

I think people will return to their old habits of download. It's a shame really. We'll see how many tracks I will have left on my playlist next week. I guess I'm gonna return to
LastFM. At least Megahype struck a deal with Spotify.

You can read all about it here:

It's a shame... Really.

I've never been much for downloads. I'm still buying records. I still buy vinyl records! But I must say, Spotify was a great company at work, considering iTunes won't work on my laptop after the new Office update. *sigh*


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