World in my eyes...

I went down to Kalmar this weekend to pick up my stuff at Börjes place. He was kind enough to let me stash my synths'n'stuff there when I left for England. It's been four years in Feb. Can't believe it's been that long.

Fredrik was kind enough to go with me. It kinda sucks to have to drive all the way down there alone. And Oskar was kind enough to lend me his car.

The weather was a bit shitty. No visibility at all. Fog and rain. Boring...

Like I said. No sunshine what so ever.

And there was no stopping at Ringarum. I'll never do that willingly. Travelling via Silverlinjen, you don't really have a choise.

Fredrik thought this was pretty funny. MODE. Yes. He's into that band from Basildon.

Finally, a picture of a small yoga class at work. Doesn't seem that comfortable... But it's supposed to be good for you. What do I know?

Tonight we're off for Pet Sounds Music Quiz. The last one for this semester. We're aiming for top 10. (Like that'll happen...)


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