The Sound of silence...

Well, that's what's coming from me today. I've lost my voice. It's true. The only thing that comes from me is some sort of hissing. *sigh* I got this bad cold this weekend. I was completely out of order. Now I'm doing much better. This has actually happend before. Whenever I get a bad cold, I tend to lose my voice for a day or two. Not the greatest company for lunch. I'll tell you that for sure.

I've finished the electronic mix of ghost in the machine. All the programming has been done. I think. Leo is actually going to help out with the mixing. I suck at that. He knows what he's doing. We'll see where it will end up.

I spent this weekend watching the second season of  Dexter. I can't wait for the 3rd season. This is probably one of the best shows, ever!


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