Now, I could do this in two completely different ways. I could write a long story about disappointment, sorrow and a touch of pain too. But I'm not going to do that. I won't do that due to one single reason. It was expected. I kinda already new. I didn't want to believe it, but I'm not stupid... Sorry, I AM a bit stupid, but I'm not dumb. Man, I could go on forever correcting myself. I'm not gonna do that either. To put it in writing once and for all. I AM disappointed. I am a bit upset I spent so much time on this matter. And people never seize to amaze me. What they do, why they do things and how they do things. No, this matter is now closed. I know I'm gonna lose something that used to be close to me, but in the end, as it turned out, it wasn't really the other way around. If that was the case, I wouldn't be writing this down. Just to proove to myself, I'm actually fine with it. Which I am.
So, what I'm gonna write instead is I've had a few great days back home. I've been on the countryside, travelling like a bat out of hell in a Subaru Impreza. Let me tell you, the adrenaline was pumping. I was a bit carsick when I left the car. But it was nice. I've met some of my old friends, just hung out and didn't really do anything. It's been raining for 3 straight days. And as usual there are a lot of people I've disappointed too. I'm very very sorry. But I'll probably be back in a few months time. Perhaps even sooner. We'll see.
Today I've been to Boost Studios. Tobbe took me there. It's located pretty much just in the middle of nowhere. But it was great. I got a sneak preview of KOR's upcoming album. VERY VERY good. I really really enjoyed it.
Lurbjörn in the controlroom at Boost! Happy as ever! :)
Tonight we went to Harry's, and you know what. I had a great time.I bumped into some really nice people too. I couldn't have been luckier tonight actually. And oh, I kinda taught Fredrik something. Something that'll corrupt him for ever. Sorry about that....
*BUSTED!!* Yes, he's gonna leave a trail of boats. I've taught you well, my young padwan! ;)
So for once, to summarize this "going back home" experience, it wasn't that bad. As usual, time wasn't on my side, but I'll be back.
Shit, just realized I haven't posted the pic of our latest machine at work. Check it out. I think it looks very cool.
And the coffee isn't that bad either....
I'm sorry it didn't work out. :(
But I also know you were prepared since we've talked about the different scenarios.
I hope the other days spent in Calamares made up for it?
Hope to see you this summer - miss'ya! :D
1 down 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 to go! Nothing is impossible for a long blond guy ;) . Move on / Hugs / The Swanssons