Kick (me into action, with a slip of the tongue)

I went to this great party last night. It was finally time for the Megahype releaseparty for Lowe's Kino International and Mobile Homes single Close.

What a great turnout. A lot of people showed up. :) And a few guys down in the basement here at work, well, they've seen better days! ;)

There was of course one person missing... The night would have been perfect if you were here.

Oh, I've gotta mention something else. Leo sent med a few songs from the upcoming Rupesh Cartel album. DAMN!! It's great! It will be released on Megahype very soon. I hope! :) I'm gonna scream from the top of my lungs when it's released! Look out for it! :)

I'm also looking forward to the new Alkaline Trio album, Agony & Irony. I've heard a few clips from it, and you can too. Just go to the iTunes store and search for it. :) It sounds very promising. It will be released on the first of july.

All I do right now, that is waiting for tomorrow... I am so looking forward to it. :) And let's all cross everything possible for the Swedish national team tonight! Ok? :)

Postat av: a n n a

vad anar (och hoppas) jag för undertoner? ;)

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