The story about the Bunny boy!
I went to Kägelbanan to check out The Residents first (?) visit to Sweden. I thought I might never get another chance to see these guys in action. It's better to be safe than sorry. And let me tell you, it was really strange. Really entertaining. A mix of concert, performance and theatre. Really really strange.
Harvey was missing. That's his brother. He was supposedly in Greece, and The Bunny boy just went on tour with The Residents to be able to find Harvey.
I guess you might recognize this picture of the band.
If you go HERE, you'll find the story about the Bunny Boy. It's weird. But highly entertaining.
The Bunnyboy, The Residents, and the idiot who decided to STAND infront of the rest of us who were sitting down.
Last night was the 3 month mark. It feels a lot better, but I still carry the loss. I miss you. I guess I will for a long time. It was short, dynamic, intense and passionate. Some people stick to you, like a gum on the shoe. Babe, you're the gum on my shoe!
Harvey was missing. That's his brother. He was supposedly in Greece, and The Bunny boy just went on tour with The Residents to be able to find Harvey.
I guess you might recognize this picture of the band.
If you go HERE, you'll find the story about the Bunny Boy. It's weird. But highly entertaining.
The Bunnyboy, The Residents, and the idiot who decided to STAND infront of the rest of us who were sitting down.
Last night was the 3 month mark. It feels a lot better, but I still carry the loss. I miss you. I guess I will for a long time. It was short, dynamic, intense and passionate. Some people stick to you, like a gum on the shoe. Babe, you're the gum on my shoe!