It's very cold... Outside AND inside! (Chilled to the bone and five miles to home...)
Friday night was spent at the Megahype party. You'll find some pics from the event at my Facebook. Yesterday was spent cleaning up the mess after the party. When I got home yesterday evening. It was a bit cold in my apartment. The Boiler was broken, and last night was... COLD! Today I've been at work almost all day. Woke up early and decided, there was no use in staying home. I might as well go to the office right away and get my scripts for tomorrow done. I'm off on friday to take care of my danish guest! :)
I forgot how cold it gets here during wintertime. Man, I miss living in London right now. I bet they all wear t-shirts! ;)
I remember last october, when we sat at Leicester Square. I remember having lunch, wearing a t-shirt. Well, not only a t-shirt of course. I'm not stupid.... ;)