Day 7... One week in Sweden.

So, my first week has passed. I've been here for 7 days. Today was my first day at work, actually working. I now know how to operate the alarm at the office. That is good to know. ;) I think I remember anyway. I hope... Perhaps. I'll need it on saturday...

I've also checked out the first apartment. I didn't get it. But they were very nice people. And I'm their 2nd choice. I'm going to Gärdet tomorrow for another. We'll see what happens. I'm off tomorrow. I'm gonna meet up with an old friend who used to work for Hit FM Växjö. Mr Hansen is going to show us the SBS headquarters. Should be fun. Haven't been at a radiostation for a long time now.

7 days in Sweden. I do miss London sometimes. I do miss my good friends, my "family" and the things we used to do. This however, isn't that bad at all... What I really like, is the fact you can walk almost everywhere! That is great. You don't have to ride the tube. In London, no way. I wonder how much time I would need to walk from the office in Hounslow to Perivale. No, I don't want to know. ;)

Stockholm is a nice place. So far...


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