Happy x-mas...

So, this is it. It's christmas eve 2007. Last year, I spent it in London. This year, Kalmar. I wonder where I'll be next year. That's the interesting aspect of life. Isn't it? You don't know for sure! Do you? I kinda like that. I enjoy not knowing. I hope I get to spend it with my friends or family.

To all my friends and loved ones... Merry X-mas! :)

I'm finding it hard to relax around here. I guess it's due to the fact I don't really have a place to stay. Well, I have my fathers place, and that's fine. But there is something rather disturbing, living in a room full of boxes. It's stuff everywhere. It's even worse than my room when I used to live at home. Believe me, I had stuff... EVERYWHERE.
My dad is great. And very patient. He's so kind to let me put all the stuff into that small room. But he got a car out of it. I hope he'll enjoy it. I realized I hardly ever speak of my dad. For the record, I couldn't ask anything more from him. He's just great. It's rather nice to be back in Sweden. He just turned 70.  And it's good to be around. I never knew how long I was going to stay in the UK. I wish I had some more time while I was there. But now, I'm happy to be back in Sweden. I'll always remember the good times in London. I don't have one single bad memory of the place. It's very nice to feel that way about a place. I'll always treasure it.

I'm looking forward going back to Stockholm, and even more, going back to London. Finally, some proper vacation. Mr Nolan bought us tickets for a FA Cup match! We're off to see Watford - Crystal Palace. Now, that's not very exciting you might think. Hey! It's the FA Cup! I don't care which teams are playing. I'm just there for the atmosphere.

Tomorrow I'm gonna see the Mc's. :) I'm really looking forward to it. They've been so kind to welcome me into their family. I can never thank them enough. That goes for the entire family. Well, I guess I have to try to get some sleep.

Just a final thought:

Christmas hasn't been the same, ever since my mom left us. I think of her almost every single day. I still have push myself to visit her grave. I try to tell myself, she knows I'm thinking of her. She knows I miss her. She knows.

My mom was great! She was stubborn, clever and always had a special glow. Man, she was a great mom. I just wish she knew how much she meant to me. I had a really hard time seeing her getting worse. Í wish I spent more time with her.

Just to put it into writing; Mom, I miss you a lot. There are so many things I never told you. I really wish I had.

All you have to know is; I love you, and I always will.

Merry x-mas mom...

Postat av: Islatte

Vad fint du skriver Peter. Tänker på dig, saknar dig och önskar dig en riktigt god jul!
Micke hälsar.

2007-12-24 @ 12:54:51
Postat av: Mattias

Det var riktigt fint. God Jul från mig, Sara and the wild kids E and V. De har aldrig träffat dig men jag är säker på att de skulle hälsa och lattja runt med dig på små barns vis. Säg till om du har vägarna förbi Sveriges Baltikum.

Postat av: Janousch

Plattången ska jag använda i röven... he he he...
Gott nytt å sånt!

Take care!

2007-12-28 @ 22:22:18

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