Fopp(ed) until death do us apart...

Is it possible? Could I've been Fopped to death? Well, I'd like to think it's not far from it... My recent news about relocation made me go nuts at Fopp. I must have it all before I go home. I got the Ramones albums I've been looking at for so long. And now it's like only The Smiths, Joy Division and a few more I really really need... ;)

I could spend a lot of money at that place. I've probably done so. I don't know. To me it doesn't really matter anyway. I like spending cash at Fopp. I've never bought anything I didn't really like anyway. Well, Mattias made me get a Dinosaur Jr album. I didn't like it at all. But it was like £5 or something. Doesn't really matter...

I've only got like one and a half month left here. I still haven't heard anything about my move to Stockholm. Not a word. I guess I'd better call them tomorrow and see what's up.

It's been a nice warm weekend. Friday, did nothing really. Saturday, went crazy at Fopp. Sunday, me and Mattias went to The Gourmet Burger Kitchen at Ealing Broadway. I had the greatest garlic burger on the planet! I think we spent like 2 hours talking about music at a coffee shop. It's been great. Tomorrow I'm off to work.

Postat av: Synthloppan

Klar du måste "foppa loss" nu när stockholm hägrar =)

Vart tog det svarta bloggen vägen? Hmm, dags för mej med att förnya lite med kanske... rosa är ju inte äns min stil.... måste ta tag i det...

Postat av: Synthloppan

Done... gissa vad det blev..... =)

2007-04-15 @ 22:41:46
Postat av: Steve "mikke" Jobs

Och hur många Macbooks foppade du?;) / M

2007-04-21 @ 10:32:32
Postat av: superdigital

Um, typ inga. En annan måste ju köpa möbler snart! ;)

Innan jag åker "hem" skall jag bara ha den och den och den och den och den och den och den och... ;)

Du, jag måste säga att det är med blandade känslor jag hör reklamen för Ölandsdjurpark! *asgarv*

2007-04-21 @ 18:48:20
Postat av: Mikke


2007-04-22 @ 20:58:10

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