A big re-location...

Ok, I know I was a bit vague earlier. Just recently we found out the continuity is about to move to Stockholm. Sad part is, there was only one of us who gets to go there.

Now it's official. I got the job, and I'm moving back to Sweden. Feels strange. Right now I've got a lot of mixed emotions. I really love London. I really do. And I always thought I'd get to spend another year or two here. My time here is up. Right now I feel sadness and joy. I'm glad and I'm not. The fact that my friend who got me here, is out of a job, in about 6 months. That's the worst feeling I've ever had. Actually, I feel like shit!

I like Stockholm. I've got a few good friends there even, and I am looking forward to the new job. And I'll always have great memories from my time here. Damn, I'm gonna miss this...

Don't know exactly when I'm moving. But I'd better go out in the sun and enjoy this every last second here.

Oh, just a small not. I was watching the Collectors editon of Construction Time Again last night. All the samples from that album, all the metallic sonuds, and strange stuff, it's actually been recorded at Shoreditch! And I've been there.

That really doesn't matter right now... I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. I guess I shoud be happy. Yet, I'm not. I just feel bad for Jen... And I promise, I'll do everything to try to get her another good one...

Postat av: Anonym

Ja, du... ehhh... grattis då...typ?
Hälsa Jen och beklaga. Iofs kan vi ju alltid behöva en säljare. En annan har ju avancerat till projektledare...he he he...

2007-04-04 @ 15:00:05
Postat av: PL

VA berätta mer !!!

hemma från sjön


2007-04-04 @ 15:11:32
Postat av: Camilla

Vad kul att du flyttar till Stockholm! (För min egen skull speciellt då vi kommer att kunna hänga oftare.) Men samtidigt så förstår jag att det känns jobbigt. Jobbigt att du inte får stanna så länge som du tänkt i London och jobbigt att inte Jenny kan hänga med. Stackars er. Stor kram till dig i din förtvivlan.

2007-04-05 @ 08:23:39

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