Don't wanna go...

Day 7.

It's been a week now. Feels like an eternity. Not very good at being on vacation. I suck at it to be blunt. I've never been good at taking time off. I always long for it, but when I get there, it turns to shit.

Just found out TBR posted their entire new album on Myspace.

 Check it out here: ...

It sounds just like as you'd think it would. Makes me kinda happy, and that's a good thing right now.

Why is it, I always find myself into fucked up situations? I don't want to sneak around. I hate that. I've never wanted that, EVER. Perhaps I'm not better than this? I don't know anymore. I'm just very tired. And I miss being at home. Due to circumstances things didn't turn out the way I was hoping. I can't do anything about that. Right now I need to go somewhere. I don't know where. Just somewhere else. I can't stay here for 3 weeks. That'll exhaust me. Don't get me wrong, I love so many people living here, just seeing them, hanging out with them and stuff. Right now, I can't relax here, and I'll be even more tired than before going on holiday. That's not the way it's supposed to be. Need to go.

So why so sad? You tell me... Your guess is as good as mine. You can't be disappointed at something that didn't happen due to circumstances you can't control. Things just pan out that way sometimes. It's like having everything you ever wanted, then letting it slip right through your fingers. I wish I could do something about it. But I can't. It's out of my hands. It's not something you can do anything about anyway. I just wish... I wish for a lot of things. Right now, I wish I could go to sleep. I can't.

No, time to change mood. I'm on my fucking holiday. I'm off work and still getting paid! I shouldn't complain. Really I shouldn't. And I won't.

I'm just tired...


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