Day 5

Ok, I feel better. A nast cold made me stay very still for a few days. I guess the air is too clean for me here. It takes a while to get used to that. I actually did go outside yesterday. Had to get something to eat. I went to the local sushiplace around the corner. They've got a brilliant yakaniku. And Sami, the guitarist in Kent lives very close to that place. Celebrity spotting, swedish-style! *lol* Stockholm is a very small place. I do think I like it. But I really miss London. I miss meeting up with my friends at Leicester Sq... Having lunch... And go wild at Fopp. :( I really miss my "family", friends and... Well, living in London. I can't say this sucks, but I know things will be better as soon as I've got my own place. I really enjoy spending time with Helena. But I want a place of my own. I've registerd at a few places and I've been offerd a few flats. One was £730/month. That's not too bad if you'd be on english salary. I'm not anymore. They've cut my pay a lot. £730/month is like 10.000 SEK/month, and I couldn't afford that. Well I could, but then I'd have to eat noodles and soup for the rest of my life. Don't want that lifestyle. Need a bit more quality.

We'll see. Today I'm gonna meet up with Camilla. Haven't seen her since I went back to Kalmar in March. I'm really looking forward to see her again! :)


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